Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Auld Lang Syne

I, like Harry Burns, actually have no idea what the lyrics to Auld Lang Syne mean, but I know it is a song about new years.  And with that, let me share one of my top five meg ryan moments:

First things first, saying goodbye to 2011.
What a year!  In 2011, I had a lot of ups and downs. Realistically, I probably had more downs than ups, and I learned a lot a lot a lot about myself.  But highlights included:

  • learning the effects and importance of a quick dance party
  • travelling to the east coast in a Spring Break extravaganza
  • making a good friend or two
  • spending a lot of time trying to get myself to do things (that is both accurate and vague, and I apologize that it sounds so weird)
  • getting my hair cut exactly once, although I trimmed it myself a bunch, and I am now comfortable doing that


Oh, I am feeling awfully romantic about 2012, dudes.  Awfully romantic indeed.  Like 1940s movie star romantic about it.
Every year that I am alive seems to bring a lot of new craziness, but at the same time, I feel like I know myself better as I get older and I feel more comfortable with myself.

Ok so RESOLUTIONS.  The million dollar question of the last week.  Here we go:

  • Do things.  Like don't just half-do them.  If I'm eating a cookie, I want to be thinking about the way that cookie tastes.  If I'm in a class, I want to be paying attention to the ideas the teacher is presenting.  If I'm saying a prayer, I want to be talking to God.  Actually do things.  
  • Move.  When I get depressed, I don't want to do anything besides sit somewhere warm and watch tv.  Which is bad for my waistline, my grades, and my social life.  And one of the things that helps the most? Moving around.  Dancing, walking, running, doing jumping jacks, etc.  
I guess I only have two resolutions, but that's because I really want to do them.  I want this year to be proactive and for me to savor it.  I want to be a go-getter again, because I think I used to be one.  

And yes, I realize it is now the fifth day of the new year.  And double yes, gratuitous photos:

Should old acquaintance be forgot.....

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