Wednesday, August 10, 2011


I've been trying to blog allll day today, but everything keeps coming out lame.
Maybe it's because my life is a little bit lame lately.  But let's try a little social experiment where I embrace the lame (because that is so totally different from what I normally do on this blog).  But I feel good about this time around because DJ Cell Phone keeps playing the songs that I like to hear.  Anyways...

I cleaned my room today:

See all that carpet space?  It's like carpet without stuff on it does something magic to my brain.  It sends messages like, "You will one day rule the world." and, "Everything that comes from your head is pure genius." Isn't that weird?

But what you, the reader, are really thinking at this moment is, "I think you accidentally posted the before picture of your room-cleaning-experience."  But you are wrong my friend.  Because all of the clothes that are sitting on top of my dresser are clean and simply need to be folded.  And while we're at it, probably all of the clothes in the drawers need to be folded too.  And there are NO dirty clothes on the floor.  And did I not mention that this summer I fit everything I own plus some stuff that is not mine into a room that was already full of other people's stuff. (Side note: That last sentence besides being grammatically a run-on is one that is technically a question but the tone at the end of the sentence doesn't feel question-y so I left it with a period instead of a question mark.  That was a long side note) (Another side note: Obviously the rules of grammar do not apply on this blog because I am trying to write in a conversational tone.  As in, the tone that I use when I have conversations with myself.  But that's normal, dontcha know?)

So what I'm saying is, if you want to get any good ideas out of me, you should probably ask them of me as soon as possible, because I've already put a chair in my room so that I have something to type in and the square footage of blank carpet is now reduced to roughly six? But then again, I'm doing some spring cleaning tomorrow in the wardrobe area so it could be either way cleaner or way messier in here tomorrow.

And as promised, this post has now lived up to its title.

Good night errrbody.

1 comment:

  1. Not gonna lie, I was totally inspired to clean my room after I read this post. So I did. The end.
