Monday, February 7, 2011


This is my friend Lena.  

Well I guess that was me and my friend Lena, but I think you get the point.

Did you know that am really not P.C.?  Because I'm not.  Like if I had to point my friend Lena out to you in a crowd, I would just out-and-out say, "The pretty girl in the wheelchair over there."

Which makes for interesting conversations with my new friend Lena.

Anyhoo, Lena and I are so cool that we spent our Saturday night together doing Computer Science homework.  We were REALLY studious.  So studious that we decided after about an hour that we had been studious enough for one evening.  but it's ok, because we're on track for A+'s in that class. Holla!

And the great part about Lena is that she's really accepting of my particular brand of weird.  And also her knees.  But that knee part is just a joke.  Seriously though, Lena ran a marathon after her paralyzing accident. It even says so in the article.  Plus she knows everything about me.  Plus she sings really well, is really modest,  and is a great listener.

So what I'm trying to say, using Lena as an example, is that it's really cool to make new friends who have lived different lives from you.  Most people have.  Because if I never knew Lena ... but that's just too depressing to even consider.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, that girl sure does have a great spirit and noble attitude!
