Thursday, September 15, 2011

Just Do It.

I have another theory.  I don't know if I actually share about a third of the theories that I think about sharing on here, but anyways, I've got another one.

So you know those days where you just absolutely don't feel like doing anything?  Where you know you probably should be productive, but you just aren't feelin it?  I have those days, even if you don't.  Especially if my day isn't structured.  I just feel so blah when it happens.
Okay so those days?  I have a cure for those days.  So if you have never had one of those days, now you will really  never have one of those days because now you know how to stop them dead in their tracks.

Are you ready for it?  I don't think you're ready (for this jelly).

All bad jokes aside, here's what you've got to do:
Force yourself to complete one task that you know you can finish.

Not just a task you can finish, a task you can accomplish.  Something that has a clear, "I'm done" point at the end of it.  Even if the idea makes you want to lay in your bed and think weird thoughts about which is the unsexiest fruit or how your life would be different if you were a different race (would it be different?) or why you try to kill a fruit fly by clapping it to a smashy death when you know it will just gross you out to have a dead bug between your palms.  Because once you finish, I'm sorry, accomplish this task, you will feel good.  I promise you, if you are built anything like me, you will be like, "hey look at me, I did something." And that in turn, will turn on the part of your brain that likes to do things.

Oh, and while we're completely on the subject, do you like the blue?  Answer my poll on the side up there (under the about me part on the right side there), pretty please?


  1. i like the blue!
    motivating myself is the hardest thing to do! But you are right, it's such a rewarding feeling after it's all said and done
