Friday, December 9, 2011

Fool Friday: Dead Week

2AM creativity
Is great for blogging (well that's probably subjective and remains to be seen) and very bad for writing papers.  Especially when you start getting creative with grammar rules.

But it turns out to be actually great for doing Econ homework.  Think outside the box?  Check.

Sometimes when you've been sitting in the same cubicle in the library for about 5 hours, you stand up and your legs are shaking from the caffeine you have consumed and the fact that they haven't been moved in quite a while and you just want to collapse in a pile on the floor and simultaneously run a mile so that your legs don't shrivel up and die and you think "Pictures will make this moment better.....  I think."

So you take a crack at it.

And then you decide that this picture is way too hideous and crazy to share with the internets and you decide why cover up your best feature.  Which is most obviously your hair.  

But after 5 hours of bun-ness, you have crazy hair, which, at the moment, you rather like.  And you are rather proud of the fact that you have a thumbs up and at the same time a face that conveys, "help me, I've been trapped in the library for way too long in this weird type of self-imprisonment"  and also you realize that you wear this sweatshirt every time you go to the library late at night, but that is probably because you don't care what you look like when you go to the library for the intention of staying there for more than two hours.

Also, I have now been at the library as it closed (1 AM) which makes me feel really good about myself and also is probably something you have to do in college.  And since I have yet to pull an all-nighter and I never intend to, I will now attempt to sleep for the rest of my life. Or until 830 AM because I have to turn this homework assignment in before 9.

Happy Dead Week Everyone!  Except I still have classes and homework so it's not really dead.  So happy week before finals (IMPOSSIBLE).

And to all a good night.

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