Monday, October 3, 2011


There was this post on the tip of my fingertips all about how much I love my walk home from school to my new place (Kristin and I are having a terrible time trying to name this thing - by which I mean, all the names we are coming up with are terrible), when October came and decided to throw me for a loop.  I got out of class today and went to the library to study for a few hours in an optimal learning environment before going back to the laugh factory (hey that's not bad) to do some chores and hopefully some homie work.  Anyhoozzle, when I got out of the library to make the walk back to home, it was RAINING!  Can you believe it?  Just four days ago I was sweating like a pig on my walk home, and by a "sweating like a pig" I mean "glistening like a lady". Where does the time go?

I was trying to take a picture of the rain, because the first rain of a school year is a little bit soul-crushing in that I am a Southern California girl who thinks, "Get me out of this gloom and doooooom!" and also a bit awesome in the, "We're not in Kansas anymore," sort of way and also, who doesn't love a little fall crisp-ness?  But why should it come with moisture?
Oh! but I realized, that when all you have is a not very high-quality phone to use as a camera, it is pretty much impossible to take a picture of the rain.  Which is when I realized......

You must need a video:

I'm rocking that wet dog look.  Oh and also, I don't think I've even made worse jokes in my entire life.  IN MY ENTIRE LIFE.  So let's just pretend that I never ever said anything about a snoring man.  EVER.

Happy October Everyone!  Fall is in the air! (Quite literally).  Enjoy the proximity to Christmas bells!  They are almost a-ringing.  No but really, Christmas (which is practically the entire month of December in my mind) is right around the corner, and is obviously the best holiday there ever, ever was.

So here's to a quick fall!

P.S.  I apologize for not posting a fool Friday!  This whole school thing is throwing me through a loop.  Oh and also in the PS category, I'm totally getting back on this blog-thing for realsies about now.  So get pumped!

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