Did you know I spend about 45 minutes a day walking outside? It generally takes 5-10 minutes to get from one place to another on campus by foot and in the heat I move sooo slow. This is how I look when I leave my dorm:
(but you know, my version of the dress has sleeves and is a little longer)
and this is how I look by the time I get to class:
Isn't it crazy how I gain like 100 pounds and get crazy eyes because of the heat? Everyone tells me I look tired and disheveled all day. Plus those sweatpants are just not flattering. And look how quickly I got a tan.
My solution? The Bender Room. It's this little room on the 5th floor of the library that overlooks half of campus, is very cozy (and good for naps!), and has a temperature of like 60 degrees.
(note: actual picture of actual bender room)
After about an hour in there I am freezing cold and ready to face the sun again. And then I don't die on my way to my next destination. The end result is something like this:
(Don't I look ready to face the professional world?)
I know it's only a temporary fix, but the heat wave is only temporary too, right? RIGHT??!!?! I can't survive this oven-temperature much longer.
Thanks for putting up with my lack of real photos. Google images and I are practically best friends now. You don't even want to know what I put in the search engine sometimes.