Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Random Things I Don't Like

This post is so minimalist.

  • When people say, "You Go Girl!" It feels patronizing to me. 
  • When girls where short shorts with long-sleeved shirts.  Pick one.  
  • Rihanna
  • Cake. it's just bread, most of the time with cheap frosting on top.
  • Girls with prettier hair than me

Friday, December 4, 2015

Catch-Up (Ketchup?)

So, I'm already off to a bad start on the whole consistent blogging thing, but we're not going to let who we have been define who we are and who we're going to be. Right, team?

(Sidenote: We used to call my brother Marcus "Coach" because he would give us spontaneous pep talks and motivtional speeches on occasion. I think we egged him on.  Second Side Note: you know you missed my side notes and my story-telling ADD.)

But the purpose of this post (yes, there is one), is to explain what I have been up to for the last almost three years of life.  That was a quick three years. And it's been pretty eventful.

So first, and I told you this, I left for an ecclesiastical mission for the church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Remember how excited I was to go to Argentina? Well, that didn't quite go as planned. I spent the first 7.5 months of my 18 month mission waiting for a visa in the very exotic mission of Ogden, Utah.

Quite honestly, and to my own surprise, I loved it. I made some amazing friends. I fell in love with being a missionary. I fell in love with the Spanish language. I fell in love with the feeling of caring for other people so much that I cared less and less about myself.

And after I decided I was good and I didn't need to go down to Argentina, my visa came through (which was actually just a tourist visa, but that will be another story for another day). And I was electrified. Argentina was like nothing I had every dreamed of. The people were brusk and passionate, the food was bland but delicious in its own way, the streets were cold and rainy, the language was almost unrecognizable.  And boy oh boy, there will be plenty of stories to tell about all of this.

Then I got home in August of 2014, and I went back to school to finish my last year at Stanford University, studying economics. It was a blast actually. I lived with girls I had never met before from my church and they became some of my best friends, my best dancing partners.

Somewhere towards the end of that school year (I actually know exactly when this last one happened), I went on my first date with the love of my life, the man I am currently dating. I fell in love, actually (I said "love, actually"). But there's more to come on that too.

After graduation in June, I moved to Utah to start working at a tech startup. I have a very vague role, but what I do is loosely consulting, loosely a billion other things that I could never begin to explain, nor would I want to. Because I have had a sea of experiences at this job as well - some good, some interesting, and a LOT of learning experiences that I'd love to share here as well. Some of these are work related, and some have to do with moving to the Utah County community after really enjoying my time in the Stanford community. Its a pretty big leap.

What else? I traveled a ton. I flew free standby flights that made me laugh and made me cry and helped me have some of the most amazing and memorable experiences of my life.

So, if you want to hear more about any of that, as well as mundane anecdotes, unsolicited opinions, and a plethora of selfies, then you should just call me Danny Zuko because I'm the one that you want ;)

Saturday, November 14, 2015


Yes, it's been a while. Let's move on from that for the time being, shall we?

My boyfriend is currently on a fishing trip in Southern Utah (yes I have a boyfriend, yes he is into fishing, and yes I live in Utah, I know), and since he lives alone I am currently wearing a $5 pair of leggings I bought at Walmart last night, a light blue sweater that is comfy as freak and hides my gut, and for some reason a rose-gold watch that I am still in love with because it is new, all while in his bed.  I also strung some twinkle lights over his bed (hope you like the festivities, babe).  Since the heat is something I can't tamper with, I have both the heat and the swamp cooler on (good thing utilities are included in his rent) and I alternate between being freezing and dying of heat.
I'm currently trying a loose "bone broth fast," which means I am liquids only for the next three days, and I can feel my stomach starting to get hungry. I sense three cups of liquid coming my way.

It is about 10:30 AM and I have spent the morning participating in the following activities:
Watching Grey's Anatomy
Reading the first two chapters of my sister's recommended book, The Untethered Soul
Deciding to have an untethered soul
Peeing from already drinking 1,000 liquid
Running some reports for work
Emailing out the results of said reports
Missing my boyfriend
Catching up on blogs I used to read very faithfully
Wondering what to do with all the hurt in my communities
Tweezing my eyebrows
Deciding whether or not to start blogging again
Staring at my screen trying to come up with a new blog name
Chugging bone broth

If you're still reading at this point, we might be on to something.

As humans, we spend our time bouncing from the very superficial to the subconscious and sometimes conscious issues that have plagued, piqued, and perplexed human kind and their subsets for generations.  In the four hours I have been awake, I have contemplated acts of terror, body image, self-realization, bone broth fasts, marginalization within my religious community, the state of my facial complexion, and racial inequality at higher-level educational institutions.  That is me.  That is the human dilemma.
I want this blog to be all of that. I want it to be a forum for all of the things that my self-involved brain can wrap itself around.  Call it rebranding, rebooting, whatever you want.  I love to write. I love to pretend other people care about my opinions. I love to call out my own self-absorption.

Before I take a nap (yes my life is very hard), I am going to publish this post.  And I am going to attempt to create new posts (and to actually publish them) on a regular basis. Come back if you please.


"It's a beautiful world, folks"