I had a cancer scare (My first instinct was to capitalize cancer. Ew.). I mean, not really. I have this enlarged lymph node in my neck. When I went to the doctor they were like, oh that could be lymphoma. I was like, it's not lymphoma, I've had it for about a year now, it's not lymphoma otherwise I would feel more cancerous than I currently do. So one Cat Scan with intravenous stuff that makes you feel like you have to pee, two utra-sounds on my neck, like 7 blood samples, one out-patient procedure (biopsy), and five months later, I am now officially cancer-free. And life returns to - oh wait this had no impact on my life except for being part of the reason I've made the trek home so often lately. And now I have a lovely scar on my neck that sometimes really freaks me out. because I'm squeamish.
Oh, I got a retail job part time. I have never had a job like this before, and I never plan to do it again. it's kind of a thing I want to do though, is have an entry-level, just-above-minimum-wage job. Because I am old-fashioned, and I want to remember why I'm getting an education that frequently breaks my back. And I always think of myself as one of humble beginnings and I can't take that too seriously if my first job was a cushy office deal that was handed to me. Which it was, but now I know what actual humble beginnings are like just a teeeeeeny bit more. (As I write this I have a look of disgust on my face because I have been blessed with so much and I sound redonkulous.)
I got a cold. Not very exciting, but it's part of the reason why I haven't blogged. I feel pretty normal as of today, but I've been in a fog since Saturday.
And lastly, I gave myself a bad bang cut last week. There are two rules to a good self-bang cut. 1. I have to think that I need a bang cut for at least a week before I do it. and 2. I can't be in a rush when I do it. I think I broke both of the rules, and wait a minute YOU DON'T CARE.
Haha. This whole blogging thing is great. You don't care at all. Maybe about the cancer thing you do, but that's probably the one that I cared about the least.
Well. What do you do?
17 chins at midnight at the library last night. I might be failing all my classes. I might be lacking any desire to change that. These are just mights, only time will tell.