I've been feeling awfully girly lately. Like 15 year old girl girly.
It's mostly because I have this recent obsession with painting my finger nails. I by "recent obsession" i mean since about January, I've been painting my fingernails really weird colors every three or four days. I have a veeeery pale pink, a grey-ish blue, a purple-ish brown, a tan-ish/skin color, and a mint green. It's getting to be sort of neurotic of me. The other day the oven was on while I was painting my nails but I was done making dinner so I opened the door and stuck my hands inside to make my nails dry faster. In my defense, it was our toaster oven, which really doesn't get that hot. BUT, I have finally quit my habit of biting my fingernails. This is a habit that started when I was about 9.
This is me making a terribly weird face RIGHT NOW
In other news, I was trying to describe to someone why living off-campus is AWESOME, and I couldn't put it to words. Then yesterday I accidentally said it after a long day (we're talking 8 straight hours) of being in the photo lab on campus. I was packing up to leave and telling a friend:
I'm going to go home and eat toaster strudel and take a bath.
I couldn't do wither of those things if I lived on Stanford campus. Because they have no baths (only showers) and no one ever buys/makes food. I feel like even most students who live in apartment style housing still don't do it.
Speaking of photography, I had the final for that class tonight, which mainly included each person having a turn at showing 20+ photos from throughout the quarter. And then the whole class looking at them. It's awfully exciting. Even though the work is done, there's a flutter of nervousness and the validation that comes from others telling you that they cannot stop staring at one of your prints. Or from your professor telling you that something you made is different from what anyone else could have made by looking at the scene and that he really enjoys your point of view.
I plan to take more photo classes throughout my Stanford career. And my life. I'm thinking I might take some digital, but I really don't know how to work photoshop, I only understand the dark room. I have some prins I am very much proud of though. And I will have four photos be up on campus for the world of Stanford to see. I hope my Mom doesn't mind that she's in one. And also one is of Marcus' feet while he's getting ready for church. Everyone said it looked like an old man. Another is the crock pot on top of my fridge in my tiny place here at school and the last one - get THIS - will be my own feet.
Isn't that just crazy? I hate my feet a lot. But one day it was raining and they were filthy and I got home and wanted to wash them and I took off my pants and stepped into the tub and the water around the drain and the dirt all over my feet was just too much for me not to take the picture. It's one of my favorites, but I feel oddly weird having people see it all the time. Like it is too personal to share.
I'm putting finals week as the blame for why this post sort of jumps from one segment to the next without connection but without enough lack of connection for it to be purposeful. It stifles my creativity in all the bad ways.
Lastly, the Hunger Games is coming out this weekend. YOU GUYS. How many of my study breaks have been me watching the trailer. One billion thousand, that's how many. Please to enjoy it here.
Super lastly, my family has been rick rolling each other lately which is weird because my roommate has been telling me how she actually enjoys that song lately and I just wanted to promise that I will never rick roll you dears. Because I figure reading this guy is punishment enough for whatever karmic retribution is headed your way.
And just because I can, another photo:
Sign me up for whatever this is. Just for the purple warm-ups.