- I didn't live in my parents house for 88% of the year (yeah I did the math.)
- I was converted to babies
- I lived in Provo for a summer (I feel like every Mormon who is college-aged has to do this.)
- I got in my first car accident
- I became sure of my major. (ECON!!)
- I learned what it's like to live with someone you are not related to and really enjoy it. (PODO!)
- I drove more miles than I ever have before. And most of them alone.
Hopefully, 2011 will bring:
- A version of me that actually exercises
- A job that actually relates to my career interests (once I figure those out)
- Me preparing to go on a mission?
- Steady Finances (goal: spend as little as possible except on gifts for others)
- Happiness. and Sadness. and New Experiences. and Growth. Barrels of it.
This year is brand sparkling new. Don't return it the same way.